Analysis of the legal framework for the implementation and development of the peace process with paramilitary groups


  • Nydian Yaneth Contreras Rodríguez Universidad de Granada
  • Jaime Andreu Abela Universidad de Granada



Justice and Peace Law, paramilitarism, victims’ rights, transitional justice, demobilization.


During the first decade of the 21st century, Colombia began a peace process, which was passed by Congress in 2005, called “Justice and Peace Law”. This law was aimed at armed groups outside the law known as Paramilitaries. This process was highly relevant to the social, political and economic life of the country. The “Justice and Peace Law” which led to disarmament and the integration into civilian life of more than 30,000 former combatants. With this study, we intend to make a legal analysis of the base and fulfill the objectives of the legal process, the obstacles they have faced, reforms as well as criticism than it has faced. We also want to highlight the importance of Transitional Justice in a peace process, which exposes its main objectives.


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Author Biographies

Nydian Yaneth Contreras Rodríguez, Universidad de Granada

miembro investigador del Instituto de la Paz y los Conflictos

Jaime Andreu Abela, Universidad de Granada

profesor titular


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Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2009.



How to Cite

Contreras Rodríguez, N. Y., & Andreu Abela, J. (2016). Analysis of the legal framework for the implementation and development of the peace process with paramilitary groups. IUSTITIA, (13), 147–176.


