Influence of rice husk ash as a partial replacement for cement used in the manufacture of concrete: a literature review
Cement, Rice husk ashes, Concrete, Compressive strength, Workability, Tensile strength, Pozzolanic elementsAbstract
The inclusion of vegetable ash in a concrete mix has gained wide acceptance due to the increase in physical and mechanical properties it offers. Therefore, the objective of this research was to offer a systematic literature review on the influence of rice husk ash (RHA) as a partial replacement of cement used in the production of concrete during the years 2007-2022. In this literature review, 40 sources duly selected with academic and scientific roughness obtained from reliable databases were used; therefore, they were ordered according to the properties intervened and their respective results, the water/cement+CCA ratio and the behavior of concrete when increasing the percentage of CCA. In the analysis of compressive and tensile strength, it was obtained that the adequate replacement proportion is 15% with a water:cement+CCA ratio of 0.50, which was added in milled form and without extra pozzolanic elements. In terms of workability, the replacement proportion continues in the same range (5%-15%), while controlling the decrease in the slump value with an adequate use of superplasticizing additives and a correct aggregate granulometry. In general terms, the incorporation of CCA as a partial replacement of cement should be accompanied by a good characterization and preparation of the specimens, a correct mix design and laboratory testing procedures that allow an acceptable reliability and certainty in the interpretation of the results.
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