Detección de pérdidas de aislamiento en un motor de inducción basado en el análisis de la transformada Wavelet aplicada al flujo de dispersión magnético
Diagnosis, Faults, Flow, Transient, WaveletAbstract
Present work evidences the aftermath in the detection instant faults (losses of isolation) occurred in a motor of three-phase induction and his intervening detection the present information in the flow of magnetic dispersion through the transformed wavelet. Normally the losses of isolation among bobbins of same phase or of different phases in his premature statuses of development generate transient short-lived that they are not easily detectable, transient that normally they end up shutting out the machine on duty. The transformed Wavelet permits to do a sweeping on a sign in frequency and time, that permits identifying faults or disturbances of obvious form and needs to, diagnosing with it to detect faults in premature statuses of development.
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