Research and reflective practice as epistemological categories of teacher professional development


  • Wilmer Hernando Silva Carreño Universidad de San Buenaventura



epistemology of education, investigation, reflective practice, training, professional development


This article seeks to glimpse how reflection, since the epistemological reflection is essential in all processes of school, led to the question of teachers’ professional knowledge , decentering involves the discussion of training and professional development as fundamental elements in the construction of teachers’ professional knowledge. In what follows, it is at first an approach to what can be understood on an epistemology of education, showing that she, from the characterization of an object of study and own disciplinary field, must be approached differently from the other sciences . In a second momeneot shows that, in this process, research emerges as a category that articulates and demonstrates that the teacher in training and exercise, becomes subject researcher, especially, by reflecting on their own practice, denoting by such a process of continuous questioning about his work, not so much on the practice but about the meaning of it. For this, it is an approximation to the direction of research and reflective practice in teacher professional development.


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Author Biography

Wilmer Hernando Silva Carreño, Universidad de San Buenaventura

Magister en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de San Buenaventura


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How to Cite

Silva Carreño WH. Research and reflective practice as epistemological categories of teacher professional development. ESPIRAL [Internet]. 2013Jul.1 [cited 2024Nov.21];3(2):53-64. Available from:



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