Oral argumentation as a strategy in citizen competencies





Citizen skills, Oral argumentation, Didactics, Social and cultural context


This reflection article is the product of a research whose objective was to implement a didactic strategy based on citizen competencies as a strengthening of oral argumentation with eighth grade students of the José de la Vega Educational Institution of Cartagena Bolívar. The research was developed using a qualitative approach, with a Participatory Action Research (PAR) design, in a sample of 38 students. Where the interview and focus group technique were applied as an open script instrument, the observation technique and the field diary as an instrument, showing a low level in oral argumentation.

In this sense, three workshops developed on the theme of Respect for difference, Moral judgment and Capacity for choice and decision are consolidated, in a collaborative manner, fulfilling the objectives proposed in the research, which were ratified when evaluated through a oratory in the final phase. It is concluded that at the beginning of the intervention the entire population lacked argumentative fluidity, managing to advance with the different activities, interactions are strengthened and the ability to impact the environment is enhanced.


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Author Biography

Yesibeth Cañate Pérez, Corporación Universidad Iberoamericana

Maestrante, Maestría en Educación, Corporación Universidad Iberoamericana, Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Cañate Pérez Y. Oral argumentation as a strategy in citizen competencies. ESPIRAL [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2025Jan.13];13(1):13-22. Available from: https://revistas.ustabuca.edu.co/index.php/ESPIRAL/article/view/3053



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