Interpretation of Iconic Texts Supported by the Theory of Umberto Eco and Peter McLaren
Reading comprehension, Interpretation, Peter McLaren, Theory, Iconic texts, Umberto EcoAbstract
The purpose of the article presented here is to expose and relate the importance and implications of Umberto Eco's semiotic theory on the one hand, and on the other, the active role of the student as proposed by Peter McLaren. It is derived from the research that is being carried out with a view to strengthening the level of interpretive reading of iconic texts, in fifth grade students of the Rural School Center "Juana Berbesí" headquarters "La Platanala", in the municipality of Durania department of Norte de Santander. Methodologically it corresponds to a descriptive review of the theories and concepts proposed by the aforementioned authors, to highlight their applicability and usefulness in the teaching of the comprehensive reading of iconic texts, which is of interest in the educational field and leads to the conclusion that the behavior of these theories is relevant when applied in the classroom, given their contributions to the change in the teaching processes of reading comprehension and the granting of the leading role of the student. Review that was derived from the analysis of the existing problem in the classroom in relation to the gaps present in the didactics of the understanding and interpretation of iconic texts, which is reflected in the limitations that students present to interpret and understand images, action that leads to decipher the message or the communicative intention that is in these. Limiting also for the development of oral or written expression skills, as well as other possibilities with which their imagination and creativity are stimulated. Based on the analysis of the theoretical proposals of the authors in question, the direction of alternatives and pedagogical strategies that contribute to strengthening the reading comprehension of students of primary basic education is achieved.
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