Digital knowledge in primary and secondary education of the Argentine Republic


  • Fernando Raúl-Alfredo Bordignon National Pedagogical University



Digital knowledge, curriculum, teaching resources


In September of 2018, within the framework of the Federal Council of Education of Argentina, the Priority Learning Centers (NAP) of Digital Education, Programming and Robotics were approved. The relevant resolution addresses issues related to the development of new digital knowledge, indicating that they will begin to be compulsory teaching topics in all the country’s establishments, which involves and leads to rethink educational actions in different dimensions (curriculum, didactic resources, methodologies and training, among the main ones). This document presents –from the National Pedagogical University- a proposal for the organization of Priority Learning Centers in a frame of reference called “Digital Knowledge”, in order to conceptualize and think about possible actions to support the education system of primary and secondary level in their relationship with such knowledge.


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Author Biography

Fernando Raúl-Alfredo Bordignon, National Pedagogical University

Master’s in Data Networks. National Pedagogical University. Bogota, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Bordignon FR-A. Digital knowledge in primary and secondary education of the Argentine Republic. ESPIRAL [Internet]. 2019Oct.28 [cited 2024Nov.23];8(2):79-90. Available from:



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