Association between the implicit theories on teaching and learning, and the act of problematizing


  • Carlos Fernando Mariño Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios



Implicit theories, problematize action, problem, problematization, teaching, learning


Objective. The objective of this research article is to verify the existence of an association between the implicit theories of teachers on teaching-learning and the action of problematize, understanding as the didactic strategy in which students are problematizados. It is considered that there are three types of implicit theories in this domain: direct, interpretative and constructive, according to the exhibition by Juan Ignacio Pozo and collaborators. In the action of problematizing the characteristics have been taken from the contributions of Jhon Dewey, Paulo Freire and Demerval Saviani.
Methodology. In order to achieve the objective of the research, a correlational transactional study was designed to analyse the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the variables considered, in a non-probabilistic sample, composed of 15 teachers of a psychology program.
Results. The results obtained, by means of the coefficient of correlation rho of Spearman, do not allow to affirm the existence of such association. Although it is significant that in the same sample prevails the constructive implicit theory along with the high implementation of the action of problematize.


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Author Biography

Carlos Fernando Mariño, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Magíster en Educación. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Bucaramanga


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How to Cite

Mariño CF. Association between the implicit theories on teaching and learning, and the act of problematizing. ESPIRAL [Internet]. 2017Nov.29 [cited 2024Nov.24];7(1):103-28. Available from:



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