Analysis of terminal efficiency in the Master of Education: Environmental Education Field UPN-Mexicali
Environmental Education, Credentialing Educational, Environmental TrainingAbstract
The paper analyzes for the first time in 18 years that has been operating the terminal efficiency of Master of Education: Environmental Education, from Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Mexicali, México. The analysis of the entrance, desertion (desertion rates) and graduation (obtaining grade) of the graduates students in question includes from 1994 to 2012. The results showed to date has graduated 15 generations formed a greater proportion of teachers working in basic education, indicate that the initial formation of students combined with the system in which they work, the limited experience in research labor and the lack of guidance, have historically influenced the low terminal efficiency that records the master program in question. The increase in registration of university-educated professionals outside the education system suggests who attend the postgraduate education to join and / or established as teachers, so their main objective is not be formed in the field of the environmental education, a phenomenon that can defined as teaching credentialing. Of the increase in enrollment of university-trained professionals is inferred that graduate studies in education will enable them to enter and / or settle in the education system, this phenomenon can be defined as educational credentialing, ignoring the objective that is formation in the field of environmental education. The is no information about the influence of this postgraduate teacher preparation and the development of a new educational practice in different educational levels of Baja California.Downloads
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