Differential and Integral Calculus I Tutoring program: success and permanence
Education, learning, tutorial, differential and integral calculusAbstract
This reflection paper aims to present the work done in tutorials sessions that started in the first half of 2013. The methodological approach used was quantitative with a comparative descriptive approach. The analyzed data cover information from the undergraduate students enrolled in the course Differential and Integral Calculus I, in the first and second half of 2013 and first half of 2014 at a university in southern Brazil, even though these students frequented or not tutoring spaces outside or inside classroom. The analysis results show the gradual growth of the students’ passing rates after participating in the tutorial program with the accompanied by a Bachelor in Mathematics – tutor holder. The results show the need and importance of doing preventive work, in which the institution, the teachers as well as the students mobilize relevant strategies to achieve academic success and therefore ensure the students’ permanence in the institution until graduation.Downloads
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