Retroactive and generative loops in the narrative construction of pedagogical and didactic knowledge of teachers in university contexts


  • Lewis Herney García Mora Universidad Santo Tomás

Palabras clave:

Complexity, University Didactics, Teaching knowledge, Pedagogical knowledge


This research article shows the final results of the research project "Construction of knowledge on teaching practice at Santo Tomás University – Bucaramanga: A contribution from the paradigm of complexity", which seeks to show the construction of pedagogical and didactic knowledge from said paradigm, based on the recognition and reflection on teaching practice narratives. As a methodology, a research based on an interpretative approach with a narrative design was proposed. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews analyzed with the support of Atlas.ti software; the interpretative model was based on the categorization of units of meaning from the categories of recognition and reflection, followed by a description, interpretation and conceptualization. Seven main teaching strategies and actions were identified as implemented by teachers: project-based learning; integrating project; workshops and collaborative groups; practices and use of laboratories; use of ICT; classroom research, and use and production of support material. The reflections revolved around: teacher planning; concepts, implementation and training in the institutional pedagogical educational model; teacher training; academic performance; monitoring of learning, strengths and weaknesses. It was concluded that pedagogical knowledge is the result of the reflective processes or the practice the teacher carries out on the planning, development and evaluation of the formative process. Pedagogical and didactic elements are interwoven there in a simultaneous, complementary and antagonistic way, constituting their complex character.


Biografía del autor/a

Lewis Herney García Mora, Universidad Santo Tomás

Magister en Educación y Desarrollo Humano. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia




Cómo citar

García Mora LH. Retroactive and generative loops in the narrative construction of pedagogical and didactic knowledge of teachers in university contexts. ESPIRAL [Internet]. 17 de diciembre de 2020 [citado 4 de febrero de 2025];9(2):109-30. Disponible en:



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