The other as an object: biopolitic, transpolic and diagnostic

  • América Celeste Guevara Parra Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Keywords: Political power, marke, , system, biological life.


In the West during the late eighteenth century the gradual insertion of political power in the the population biological life is experiencing, this control is exercised following an economic aim. Therefore it is necessary for the State to lose its authority as an economic decision maker and is limited to ensure the market performance. On the way to the establishment of this economic and political system, it is inevitable the emergence of intolerable excesses that have consequences for which no one answers. Given this context, it is inevitable the interbreeding between the political and the discipline or practice which aims to reduce health by homeostatic balance of biology, cognitive processes or behavior. This leaves out what the subjects could produce about their suffering.


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Author Biography

América Celeste Guevara Parra, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga


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How to Cite
Guevara Parra, A. (2017). The other as an object: biopolitic, transpolic and diagnostic. IUSTITIA, (14), 163-180.