M2M Architecture for environmental monitoring in real time
M2M, IoT, Networks of environmental sensors, ArchitectureAbstract
In the Institute of Tropical Geography (IGT), and in the rest of the centers that develop the Environmental Information System of the country, environmental measurements are not obtained in real-time. This is because the technology used to communicate this information, from the sensors that capture it to the center where it is processed, is obsolete. The objective of this work is to provide a solution to the problems raised above using Machine to Machine communication (M2M), as part of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. To achieve the above, the M2M architecture defined by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute was revised and, based on it, the one that should be used to obtain environmental data in real-time was specified. Then, a geographical area with special characteristics was selected, located in a difficult-to-access pre-mountain zone on the outskirts of the Consolación del Sur municipality, in the Pinar del Río province of Cuba, where environmental factors of interest for the country are currently monitored using archaic methods. In the M2M area of this scenario, several alternatives were analyzed to obtain the data, which allowed selecting the most appropriate one, which is the one explained in this work
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