Solar energy in the operation of the municipal aqueduct of González department of Cesar
Solar energy, solar radiation, mathematical model, renewable energies, photovoltaic systemAbstract
The Cesar´s Department has presented historically problems in terms of availability energy, which has hindered the implementation and continuity of some projects. One of the alternatives solutions focuses on the use of solar energy in this area, considering that the highest daily average brightness values are in the Caribbean region and the Orinoquia. For this reason, the Municipality of González, in the Cesar Department, promoted the construction of the first aqueduct in Colombia that operates only with hydraulic and solar energy, which ensures continuity in the drinking water service, and the contribution with the reduction of CO2 emissions at the atmosphere , In order to minimized the use of fuel for this operation. In support of the above investigation, the object of the present project has two main ideas; the first one is estimate the radiation potential in the municipality of González and the second one is establish the dimensions of the photovoltaic solar system to take advantage of this kind of energy. The mathematical model selected, is an empirical one proposed by Bristow-Campbell, based on the availability of information, and the match presented in previous studies , in which was analized secondary information, coming from the Aguas Claras Airport weather station, and the information available on the POWER page, that is a set of solar and meteorological data from NASA’s researchs for renewable energy. For the evaluation of the photovoltaic solar system, it was used a methodology based on the radiation potential available in the area, the energy requirement in the operation of the drinking water treatment plant, the administrative and laboratory facilities of the municipal aqueduct and the measure that were used of the generation, accumulation and investment regulator subsystem. It was conclude that the radiation potential for the Municipality of González, is estimated in a range between (4.5 and 6) KWH/m2/day, and that value is enough to meet th average, as well as the measurement proposed, have the capacity to supply electricity in the operation of the potable water treatment plant, the administrative and laboratory facilities of the aqueduct.
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