Access point selection game based on bandwidth restrictions
Bandwidth, nash equilibrium, noncooperative games, 802.11 wireless networks, access point selection, game theoryAbstract
This article describes the results of the selection of a access point in 802.11 wireless networks multicell, which are currently facing the progressive saturation of the radio spectrum due to overcrowding User. This problem is addressed from the perspective of the theory of noncooperative games where users (transmitter devices) are the players and the possible discrete values of bandwidth defined in the system, strategies that they have to play, whereby, for the channeling defined in 802.11g, and considering only the nonoverlapping channels, three cases are identified depending on the number of channels or amount of bandwidth the user to choose. For game solution concept of Nash Equilibrium (NE) is introduced, the existence of the proposed model is verified and the computational algorithm designed in Matlab mathematical tool proposed, that solves the problem of association under this concept. Particularly, in this game seeks to maximize the utility for each user, in order to find from this perspective, the solution to the problem raised, in this scenario, it is verified that selected access point from perspective of Nash equilibrium will be the one to present the best channel conditions gain using the strategy of using the maximum available bandwidth.Downloads
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