Plastic versus Glass: a view of the life cycle of the two controversial materials




Circular Economy, Glass, Laws, Plastic, Policies, Polymer, Waste


Since the last few years, the practices of reuse and repair products to extend their useful life and reduce waste generation gained interaction. As well as strongly promoting recycling, maximizing the materials industrialization to convert waste into new resources. Therefore, two controversial materials are currently discussed (Glass and Plastic). In 2020, 385 million tons of Plastic were produced globally, compared to 143 million tons of Glass. In 2020, the per capita consumption of Glass was 32 kg yearly, compared to Plastic at 105 kg yearly. However, the manuscript aims to discuss the use of Plastic versus Glass to learn about each material, its benefits, and disadvantages to make a perspective criticism. The methodology is investigative collecting from investigation articles statistics from 2017 to 2022. The results show that the choice between Glass or Plastic depends on very particular factors, such as the specific application in which it is required and the manufacturer's or end user's preferences.

Moreover, it is important to highlight that, compared to Plastics, Glass has fewer negative impacts on climate change since it has a lower carbon footprint. However, a comprehensive approach is required to minimize the Glass effects on climate change due to its high energy consumption, including efficient production practices. It is recommended that each country define market statistics for the recovery, recycling, and industrialization of Glass, Plastic, and other items such as cardboard, paper, and aluminum cans to promote waste recovery and prevent surrounding pollution globally.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Naranjo Silva, Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain


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2023-07-11 — Updated on 2025-02-28


How to Cite

Naranjo Silva, S. (2025). Plastic versus Glass: a view of the life cycle of the two controversial materials. ITECKNE, 20(2). (Original work published July 11, 2023)



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