Multilists applied to an XML parser implementation in Objective C for iOS for XPDL 2.2 standard
BPMN, GDataXML, Objective C, Parser, Business process, XPDLAbstract
With the creation of the standard language BPMN(Business Process Modeling Notation) used to represent business processes, the XPDL(XML Process Definition Language) is generated, which describes the data flow information of the process using a XML(Extensible Markup Language) schema. This document shows the implementation of data structures on the development of a parser which allows the interpretation of XPDL files in the 2.2 version; using together multi-lists and the XPDL meta-model, the interpretation of the XML schema problematic is pretended to be solved, allowing a correct storage of the elements. As an additional contribution, the development of the functional parser is made under the Objective C language for iOS, which is pretended to innovate in the mobile platform field.
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