Evaluación de las métricas de QoS del servicio IPTV basado en IMS sobre MIPV4 y MIPV6
Delay, IMS, IPTV, MIP V4, MIP V6, NGNAbstract
This paper presents an analysis of the most important QoS metrics for IPTV service on a mobile network infrastructure based in MIPV4 and MIPV6 and as the differences of the functioning of the protocols influence in the QoS. For this we made a research on QoS parameters that are of great IMPORTANCE to the assessment of IPTV service and equally IPTV infrastructure that was implemented on IMS. Also, as the mobility protocol MIPv4 and MIPv6 are affecting several metrics for evaluating the service. In this respect the results show that in MIPv6 the transmission of the service is more effective than in MIPv4 and therefore delays in the video are lower.
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