Contrast between Shewhart for MR and Cusum Variance control chart in the monitoring of hydrogen potential in plant protectors


  • Roberto José Herrera-Acosta Universidad del Atlántico
  • Richard Michael Wasinski-Zuñiga Universidad del Atlántico
  • Indira Dayana Romero-Cabrera Universidad del Atlántico



Average run length, reference value, shift, target value, variance


One of the most significant aspects to improve the quality of the processes is to avoid the increase of the variability, so it is important the continuous monitoring of the quality feature, which allows to know its condition and behavior over time. One of the main tools is Control Charts. Hawkins creates a method for monitoring process variability using the CUSUM Control Charts. This paper shows its application in the measure of variability of the pH values in the use of fungicides; as well as the results on their performance compared to the Shewhart Control Chart, which is not as effective at detecting small shifts.


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Author Biographies

Roberto José Herrera-Acosta, Universidad del Atlántico

M.Sc. en Ciencias Estadísticas. Universidad del Atlántico. 

Richard Michael Wasinski-Zuñiga, Universidad del Atlántico

Ingeniero Industrial (c). Universidad del Atlántico. Barranquilla, Colombia

Indira Dayana Romero-Cabrera, Universidad del Atlántico

Ingeniera Industrial (c). Universidad del Atlántico. Barranquilla, Colombia


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How to Cite

Herrera-Acosta, R. J., Wasinski-Zuñiga, R. M., & Romero-Cabrera, I. D. (2018). Contrast between Shewhart for MR and Cusum Variance control chart in the monitoring of hydrogen potential in plant protectors. ITECKNE, 15(2), 88–98.



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