Effect of the carburization with CH4/H2 of (NH4)4[NiMo3W3O- 24H6]•5H2O AND (NH4)[NiMo6O24H6]•5H2O on thiophene hydrodesulfurization


  • Ronald Parra Universidad del Atlántico
  • Esneyder Puello-Polo Universidad del Atlántico
  • Joaquín Brito Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas




Thiophene hydrodesulfurization, Anderson type heteropolyoxometalates, Ni-Mo-W carbides, atomic ratios


In this work-was studied the effect of the carburization with CH4(20%Vol.)/H2 of (NH4)4[NiMo6-xWxO-24H6]•5H2O Anderson type polyoxometalates with (AR) atomic ratio = 1:6:0 and 1:3:3 on the thiophene hydrodesulfurization reaction. The carburized solids were characterized by XRD, textural properties (ABET, Vp y Dp), FT-IR and (CHNO-S) elemental analysis. XRD showed signals of β-Mo2C, NiC, β-W2C and β-WC. Carburized materials presented type IV isotherms and hysteresis loop H2 and H3, the specific surface area was between 3 and 6 m2/g, and pore size between 9 and 14 nm. The FT-IR analysis of carbides showed signals of Mo-O2 and O-H. The catalytic activity of trimetallic catalyst was higher than that of bimetallic catalyst: NiMo3W3-C (30%) > NiMo6-C (23%), while the selectivity was directed toward the formation of 1,3 butadiene by NiMo3W3-C and 1-butene and cis-butene by NiMo6-C.


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Author Biographies

Ronald Parra, Universidad del Atlántico

Químico, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla

Esneyder Puello-Polo, Universidad del Atlántico

Ph.D. Ciencias, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla

Joaquín Brito, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas

Ph.D. Química, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Miranda


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How to Cite

Parra, R., Puello-Polo, E., & Brito, J. (2018). Effect of the carburization with CH4/H2 of (NH4)4[NiMo3W3O- 24H6]•5H2O AND (NH4)[NiMo6O24H6]•5H2O on thiophene hydrodesulfurization. ITECKNE, 15(1), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.15332/iteckne.v15i1.1960



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