Batteries as technological contaminants waste: a challenge for environmental education
Palabras clave:
Strategy, environmental education, batteries, technological equipment, technological wasteResumen
This research article presents the development of an environmental education strategy oriented to the responsible management of the most frequent technological waste in two educational institutions of Boyacá. This research is developed under a preventive approach around the problems in the market of technological equipment: such as laptops, tablets and cell phones in Colombia which has grown rapidly, with the subsequent production in quantities of discarded batteries, which contain high concentrations of metals such as gold, silver, nickel, cadmium and mercury, among others, which, when disposed of improperly, affect water resources, air and soil. In addition, the Colombian market does not show clear controls for the disposal of technological waste, which makes it necessary to develop an environmental education strategy for the disposal said elements, based on action research under a mixed approach. The survey, the focus groups and the semi-structured interview are used as information gathering techniques. Through research groups, these workshops are developed to strengthen the implementation of strategies in environmental education with respect to the disposition of the batteries of technological equipment, in order to promote knowledge, attitudes and habits that minimize the environmental impact generated by technological waste. The survey, the focus groups and the semi-structured interview are used as information gathering techniques through research groups. These workshops are developed to strengthen the implementation of strategies in environmental education with respect to the disposition of the batteries of technological equipment, in order to promote knowledge, attitudes and habits that minimize the environmental impact generated by technological waste.
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