
  • Ustasalud

    Ustasalud is a biannual publication of a scientific nature of the Dentistry, Optometry, and Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation programs of the Santo Tomás University. It is an open dissemination medium without any charge for the authors of the publications that favors the knowledge of scientific aspects and relevant academic activities that in one way or another project the union's work and allow strengthening the tools of investigative dissemination...


    ITECKNE is a journal published by the Engineering Division at Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga. Created in 2002, ITECKNE mainly publishes original scientific research and technological innovation articles...

  • M

    M Revista M is a publication of the Faculty of Architecture of Santo Tomás University, Bucaramanga, with continuous edition since 2003. It was born with the aim of projecting in the academic scenario, the thought, and actions of the professional work of the architect's trade and its related professions...


    Iustitia aims at publishing research results in the legal and socio-legal fields of study, as well as making contributions to the academic debates on Law issues and other related areas, such as Sociology, Politics, Anthropology, Philosophy, Economics and Public Administration...

  • Espiral, Revista de Docencia e Investigación

    ESPIRAL publishes research articles, interviews, reports, chronicles and literary texts in Spanish, Portuguese and English languages. ESPIRAL publishes contributions within the subject scope of the Social Sciences, as a major subject area, and Education Sciences, as a specific area...

  • Lebret

    Lebret is a journal of scientific peer-reviewed articles. It is annually published by the Economics, Management and Accounting Sciences Division at Universidad Santo Tomás Bucaramanga, Colombia...

  • Revista Temas

    Temas is a journal published by the Department of Humanities at Universidad Santo Tomás – Bucaramanga. It is an annual publication designed to account for the research processes in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education..
    Barra Titulo Union Revista Analisis Temas