Instructions to authors

In order to increase the visibility and the international citation of the authors and the journal, ITECKNE recommends the authors present their articles in English.

ITECKNE, has a biannual periodicity and publishes mainly original articles of scientific research and technological innovation. ITECKNE is dedicated to students, teachers, scientists and researchers in the academic, business and research sectors interested in the areas of Environmental Chemistry, Basic Sciences, Engineering: Telecommunications, Mechatronics, Mechanics, Industrial, Civil, Environmental, Electronics, Systems and others related to Engineering.

All manuscripts submitted for publication must be original and unpublished, and can not be submitted for publication simultaneously in other journals.



1. The submission of a manuscript must be done through the manager Open Journal System (OJS) of the library of Santo Tomas University - Bucaramanga, where interested parties must register with the role of author.

2. For the postulation of the manuscript before the journal, the author must upload:  

  • PRESENTATION LETTER of the article, duly completed and signed by each of the authors.
  • Manuscript adjusted completely according to the indications given in the manuscript format section of these instructions.
  • The figures, photographs or any other visual material, different from the tables, in JPG format. They must be numbered in order of appearance in the manuscript (e.g. Figure 1) to facilitate the subsequent process of diagramming. All images must be sent in a single file: .ZIP or .RAR.



  1. The manuscript must be sent in word processor format (.doc or .docx) and have a maximum length of 15 letter-size pages, in Arial 10, in a single space and with all margins of 3 cm. and it must be written in a single column.
  2. The tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals and referenced within the text as Table # (e.g. Table I); its title must be written in a capital letter, located in the upper part of the body of the table with central tabulation, in Arial 8; the contents of the table in Arial 7. Inserted tables will not be accepted as graphic objects.
  3. The equations must be clear; they must be done using an equation editor and adopt the International Notation System. Within the text they should be centered and numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses to their right. The equations must be referenced within the body of the text as "(1)" or "Equation (1)", for example:
  4. In Equation (1) there is an example of the proper positioning of these
  5. The figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and referenced within the text using the abbreviation "Fig. # "(e.g. Fig. 1). The titles of the figures must be written in a capital letter, located at the top of the figure with a central tab, in Arial 8.



The manuscript must contain the following sections: 

  • Title (in Spanish and English): Must be clear, precise, without acronyms or abbreviations and of a length of no more than 15 words.
  • Author (s): Full names, last academic title obtained, institutional affiliation (full name of the institution, city and country), email and ORCID.
  • Keywords (in Spanish and English): Between four and ten words that locate the article in specific thesauri (IEEE or UNESCO).
  • Analytical summary (in Spanish and English): Between 200 and 300 words, you must clearly and briefly indicate the purpose of the research, the methods, results and main conclusions. Avoid the use of abbreviations, you should not mention the structure of the article.
  • Introduction: It must contextualize the reader, include background, justification and fundamental concepts.
  • Methodology: What was done in the research is described, the materials, procedures and tools used are usually related.
  • Results: Synthesize the results obtained, which must be presented in coherence with the proposed objectives.
  • Discussion and Conclusions: Carry out the analysis of the results obtained, present the authors' opinions on the development of the work, make comparison with reference works and highlight why the work is relevant.
  • References: Use the citation style of references defined by the IEEE, including at the end of each reference the DOI of the document, if you have it.

The sections and their corresponding divisions of the body of the document must be numbered with Arabic down to the third level (1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1 ...). If a fourth level is required, it must be done through the use of bullets.



References should be included within the text; according to the editorial style manual IEEE including at the end of each reference the DOI of the document, if you have it.

References should be written between square brackets and the punctuation marks of the sentence where the reference is housed should be left out of the individual brackets separated by commas, for example:

... as indicated by Brown [4], [5]; as mentioned previously [2], [4] - [7]; Smith [4] and Brown and Jones [5]; Wood et al. [7])

Note: Use et al. when there are more than three authors. The word "reference" or its abbreviation "ref." should not be used.

The following distribution of reference percentages is recommended:  

  • Maximum 40% of references must be Latin American.
  • Minimum 70% of references of international journals published outside of Latin America.
  • Minimum 70% of references of the last five years.
  • Maximum 15% of references to monographs.
  • Minimum 1 reference of the ITECKNE Journal of the last five years.

The references located at the end of the document (minimum 15), must be listed consecutively and in order of appearance in the work and with the following format:

- Books:

Author (s), Name of the book. Location: Editor, year.

[1] W. Strunk, and EB White, The Elements of Style. New York, NY: The Macmillan Company, 1959.

- Chapters of books:

Author (s), "Name of the chapter," in Name of the book. Location: Editor, year, pp. xx-xx.

[1] ED Lipson, and BD Horwitz, "Photosensory reception and transduction," in Sensory Receptors and Signal Transduction. New York: Wiley-Liss, 2001, pp-1-64.

- Journal articles:

Author (s), "Title of the article," Name of the journal, vol. (number), pp. xx-xx, abbreviated month, year. DOI.

[2] KS Cole, and RH Cole, "Dispersion and absorption in dielectrics I. Alternating current characteristics," The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 9 (2), pp.341-351, Apr. 1941. DOI:

- Article or report of conferences:

Author (s), "Title of the article," in Name of the conference, city of the conference, country of the conference, year, pp. xx-xx. DOI.

[3] E. Detyna, "Perfect Invisible Fluids and Gauge Theory in Mathematical Methods in Hydrodynamics and Integrability in Dynamical Systems," in AIP Conference Proceedings, Rome, Italy, 1982, p.99-107.


For additional examples, review the document provided by the IEEE ( Likewise, it is suggested to validate the references through the system offered by the IEEE (