Assessment of a flexible pavement applying the Pavement Condition Index - PCI method

Keywords: Pavement Condition Index, Service conditions, Severity, Failures, Maintenance


Every paved road allows accessibility and interconnection between rural and urban areas, also contributing to the reduction of poverty and the socioeconomic development of the different cities of Peru and the world. The present research aimed to apply the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method to determine the surface technical condition of a flexible pavement. The study area was av. Chiclayo, made up of 3 lanes, the two lateral ones being of interest, paved with asphalt material. 343 faults were inventoried along the 6.30 km of the road with an east-west direction (Av. Agricultura - Panamericana Norte), while for the other road in a west-east direction (Panamericana Norte - Av. Agricultura), they were evaluated 324 sampling units, with the "aggregate detachment (surface failure)" and "rutting (structural failure)" faults occurring in a greater number. Regarding the service condition, the pavement in the east-west direction presented a PCI of 38, which qualified it in a "bad" service condition, similar to the road in the opposite direction for which a PCI of 23, that is, it presented a "very bad" service condition. Finally, the " Extraction of Asphalt" test was carried out, regulated in ASTM D 2172, with which it was sought to know the amount of bitumen present on the rolling surface, which, according to the results obtained, shows wear, which it would be influencing the generation and propagation of faults.


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Author Biographies

Lucy Cassandra Torres-Torres, Universidad Señor de Sipán

Universidad Señor de Sipán, Pimentel, Perú.

Sócrates Pedro Muñoz-Pérez, Universidad César Vallejo

Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú.


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How to Cite
Torres-Torres, L., & Muñoz-Pérez, S. (2023). Assessment of a flexible pavement applying the Pavement Condition Index - PCI method. ITECKNE, 20(1), 45-57.
Research and Innovation Articles