Mechanical Performance of conventional concrete replacing coarse aggregate with polyethylene terephthalate

Keywords: Compression, Cellular concrete, Plastic contaminants, Strength


In many countries, plastic waste is a polluting part of the environment, for this reason it is necessary to look for alternatives in which it can be reused massively, to significantly reduce it. In this research, the works associated with the subject were reviewed, the techniques used and the results obtained were analyzed, so that the necessary material was collected and, through laboratory tests, concrete cylinders were made with different substitutions of the aggregates coarse by plastic waste (PET); in order to compare the stress and costs of cellular concrete molds and those with plastic waste; and thus determine the viability of plastic aggregates in cellular concrete. In every one of the proportions of plastic waste used a decrease in weight and lower cost was observed, however, none managed to exceed the minimum resistance, compared with a conventional cylinder, when subjected to compression tests, being the size of the residues the biggest problem to obtain good results. To use plastic waste in the traditional concrete mixture, it is recommended to reduce the size of the particle to improve the cohesion of the materials, that is, crushed Terephthalate Polypropylene, which serves for the design of structural systems and obtains greater resistance, with this the pollution due to plastic waste would decrease significantly.


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Author Biographies

Madelein Natalia Sanabria Rojas, Universidad Santo Tomás

Universidad Santo Tomás, Villavicencio, Colombia.

Jhon Jairo Gil Peláez, Universidad Santo Tomás

Universidad Santo Tomás, Villavicencio, Colombia.

Katherin Duarte Barón, Universidad Santo Tomás

Universidad Santo Tomás, Villavicencio, Colombia.


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How to Cite
Sanabria Rojas, M., Gil Peláez, J., & Duarte Barón, K. (2023). Mechanical Performance of conventional concrete replacing coarse aggregate with polyethylene terephthalate. ITECKNE, 20(1), 17-24.
Research and Innovation Articles