Control of pitch, roll, orientation and height in an unmanned helicopter

  • Luis Fernando Perico Remolina Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Ramiro Andrés Peñaranda Gutiérrez Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Joymar Alfonso Barros Acuña Universidad Santo Tomás


A Helicopter is a system that has great complexity in kinematic and dynamic analysis, the answer is not completely faithful to a specific model and involves many variables when analyzing its operation, therefore the correct interpretation and use of each a, requires precise instrumentation and proper processing of the signals obtained, at the same time the system is also sensitive to changes in the environmental and initials conditions, which makes it inevitable that each flight be unpredictable and different when the controllers of the actuators are not properly adjusted.


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Author Biographies

Luis Fernando Perico Remolina, Universidad Santo Tomás

MSc.(c) Controles Industriales, Universidad de Pamplona. Docente Tiempo Completo, Universidad Santo Tomás USTA, Bucaramanga, Colombia

Ramiro Andrés Peñaranda Gutiérrez, Universidad Santo Tomás

Ingeniero Mecatrónico – Universidad Santo Tomás. Investigador Grupo GRAM, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia

Joymar Alfonso Barros Acuña, Universidad Santo Tomás

Ingeniero Mecatrónico –Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia


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How to Cite
Perico Remolina, L., Peñaranda Gutiérrez, R., & Barros Acuña, J. (2014). Control of pitch, roll, orientation and height in an unmanned helicopter. ITECKNE, 9(1), 7-13.
Research and Innovation Articles