Steady state stability in electrical power systems considering operation limits in generators, transformers and transmission lines

  • Fredy Estuardo Tamayo Guzmán Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Carlos Andrés Barrera-Singaña Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Keywords: Steady state stability, Capability curve, Synchronous generator, Transformer, Transmission Line


Electrical power systems are exposed to several events that can cause unstable operation scenarios. This is due to improper operation of certain components. If an event occurs, the system must be designed to overcome that contingency, thus remaining in a permanent condition that must be evaluated in order to monitor and prevent a possible collapse of the system. An evaluation of steady state stability is proposed at this work based on the capacity curves of generators, transformers and transmission lines. These remarked curves provide information on the operation point of these elements, thus allowing the application of remedial actions. PowerFactory and Matlab are used to carry out the tool for monitoring the operation points after a contingency. The effectiveness of the developed tool is validated at the IEEE 39-bus power system model, where results shows that the functionalaty for different contingencies based on the operating conditions when the components of the power system are varied, cosnquently, the tool identifies cases that require actions at the operational level.


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Author Biographies

Fredy Estuardo Tamayo Guzmán, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito

Carlos Andrés Barrera-Singaña, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito


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How to Cite
Tamayo Guzmán, F., & Barrera-Singaña, C. (2021). Steady state stability in electrical power systems considering operation limits in generators, transformers and transmission lines. ITECKNE, 18(2), 141-149.
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