Ontological characterization of basics of kaos chart from natural language

  • Luis Alfonso Lezcano-Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín
  • Jaime Alberto Guzmán- Luna Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín
Keywords: Ingeniería de software, procesamiento de lenguaje natural, educción de requisitos, validación de requisitos, ontologías, diagrama de objetivos de KAOS


In software engineering a variety of diagrams are used for achieving the quality that the system-to-be should accomplish. The KAOS (Knowledge Acquisition in autOmated  Specification)  is  used in  the  initial  phases of  the  software  life-cycle,  for  expressing  to  the  stake-holders  the  importance  of  the  future  system.  However, in  the  works  that  use  this  diagram,  it  is  not identified an automation between natural language and the basic elements  (goals,  entities, operations  and  agents)  that compose such diagram. In this article, the building of an ontology and the definition of a set of morphosyntactic and  semantic  rules  are  proposed  for:  (i) characterizing the  basic  elements  based  on  their  use  in  the  Spanish natural language, (ii) minimizing the semantic ambiguity that exists in the domain of discourse, (iii) obtaining automatically the basic elements, and (iv) building automatically KAOS goal diagram.


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Author Biographies

Luis Alfonso Lezcano-Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín
M.Sc. Ing. Sistemas
Jaime Alberto Guzmán- Luna, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín
Ph.D. Ingeniería


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How to Cite
Lezcano-Rodríguez, L., & Guzmán- Luna, J. (2016). Ontological characterization of basics of kaos chart from natural language. ITECKNE, 13(2), 157-168. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15332/iteckne.v13i2.1482
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