Evaluation of the performance of a network LAN over powerline communications for the transmission of VOIP

  • Juan Carlos Vesga-Ferreira M. Sc. Telecomunicaciones Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
  • Gerardo Granados-Acuña M. Sc. Telemática Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
  • José Antonio Vesga-Barrera M. Sc. Potencia Eléctrica Corporación Universitaria de Ciencia y Desarrollo
Keywords: ANOVA, experimental design, HomePlug AV, powerline communications, network performance, QoS


The quality of service (QoS) is defined as the ability  of  a  network  to  manage  the  traffic demand  according to the class of service, in order to meet the expectations of the user and in accordance with a clearly established  metrics,  which  applies  even  for  networks with  PLC  technology.  Faced  with  the  need  to  optimize QoS  in  IP  networks,  a  experimental  design  type  mixed factorial is presented to evaluate the performance of a PLC network to the Voice over IP transmission, in terms of throughput, latency and jitter, in a residential environment and with the use of PLC adapters supported in the HomePlug AV standard. The result of the experiment not only  establishes  the  degree  of  influence  from  the  statistical  point  of  view  that  you  can  produce  the  type  of codec  used  or  the  number  of  active  stations,  but  that allows you to identify which are the most recommended codecs  to  transmit  voice  over  IP,  improving  the performance  of  the  network  and  ensuring  adequate  levels  of QoS.


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How to Cite
Vesga-Ferreira, J., Granados-Acuña, G., & Vesga-Barrera, J. (2016). Evaluation of the performance of a network LAN over powerline communications for the transmission of VOIP. ITECKNE, 13(1), 83-95. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15332/iteckne.v13i1.1385
Research and Innovation Articles