Simulation environment 3D and calculation to point, in radiotherapy using diagnostic image processing


  • Óscar Humberto Bernal- Romero M.Sc. (c) Grupo de Óptica Moderna, Universidad de Pamplona. Pamplona,
  • Martha Lucía Molina-Prado Ph.D. Grupo de Óptica Moderna, Universidad de Pamplona. Pamplona,
  • Néstor Alonso Arias- Hernández Ph.D. Grupo de Óptica Moderna, Universidad de Pamplona. Pamplona,



Medical Diagnostic Images, image processing, simulation environment, teletherapy, dosimetry


The main goal of radiation therapy is to provide a high dose of ionizing radiation to the volume defined as injury or target, and reduce the dose to organs or tissues that are close to its anatomy, without subdosificar the treatment area. Due to this, the three-dimensional visualization of the treatment area is of great importance in subsequent simulation and treatment planning. This is a of the importance of using medical diagnostic images in this process. The information visual of medical diagnostic images done in studies carcinogenic ill patients  are  obtained  with  diagnostic  equipment  (for  this project will focus on Computed Tomography CT and NMR Nuclear  Magnetic  Resonance),  allow the acquisition of data  that  has  great  importance  for  treatment. By processing this group of images, the volume reconstruction is obtained (3D visualization) from tumor areas of each tissue or areas of interest, through of processing digital of images. The zones reconstruction 3D of interest permitted determining simulation parameters for teletherapy treatments as: the delimitation of area to be treated, reducing surrounding  areas  or  organs. Additionally, it obtained  the  information  for  focusing  of  the  treatment beam,  for  determining  field  sizes,  angles  of  the  couch, gantry  and  collimator.  With these data and calibration data processing equipment (Accelerator), the treatment time or  calculation point  is  determined, which  allow  in the Radiotherapy improve treatment and its results.


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How to Cite

Bernal- Romero, Óscar H., Molina-Prado, M. L., & Arias- Hernández, N. A. (2014). Simulation environment 3D and calculation to point, in radiotherapy using diagnostic image processing. ITECKNE, 11(2), 129–139.



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