Transmission Expansion Planning using loss of capacity probability tables in the generation-transmission model
DC power flow, reliability indices, generation and transmission expansion planning (G&TEP), mixed integer linear programming (MILP), , capacity outage probability tableAbstract
Electrical power systems, in the generation transmission stage, have great importance worldwide. These systems are the way to distribute large amounts of electrical energy from the electrical generation centers to different kind of consumers. The generation-transmission system expansion planning is highly representative, so meeting the demand response and its growth is the challenge for companies which are in this line of business. In this work, the generation-transmission system expansion planning is carried out in a test system through two phases. In the first phase, an algorithm is developed to build capacity loss probability tables and use reliability criteria to determine new generation projects necessary to
cover demand and have the necessary reserve for a defined planning horizon year. Using the results of the first stage, the second phase begins, in this stage an optimization algorithm is used for a mixed integer linear problem and
application of the optimal DC power flow to determine the transmission projects necessary to connect, to the base system, the new generation projects determined in the first phase and their optimal power dispatch to minimize
investment and operating costs.
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