Algorithm for generating interpretable fuzzy controllers: an application to a pressure process


  • Juan Antonio Contreras Montes Escuela Naval Almirante Padilla (ENAP)
  • David Javier Muñoz Aldana Escuela Naval Almirante Padilla (ENAP)



Fuzzy identification, Interpretability, Fuzzy controller, Process pressure


A novel approach for the development of linguistically interpretable fuzzy singleton models from experimental data is proposed. The proposed methodology uses triangular sets with 0.5 interpolations. Averaging operator, instead of T-norm operator, is used for combining fuzzy rules. Singleton consequents are employed and least square method is used to adjust the consequents. The most promissory aspect in our proposal consists in achieving model without sacrificing the fuzzy system interpretability. The real-world applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated by application to a pressure control using the LabVolt Process Control Training System (6090).


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Author Biographies

Juan Antonio Contreras Montes, Escuela Naval Almirante Padilla (ENAP)

PhD. en Ciencias Técnicas. Líder Grupo de Investigación en Control, Comunicaciones y Diseño Naval, Escuela Naval Almirante Padilla ENAP Cartagena, Colombia

David Javier Muñoz Aldana, Escuela Naval Almirante Padilla (ENAP)

Ingeniero Electrónico. Investigador Grupo de Investigación en Control, Comunicaciones y Diseño Naval, Escuela Naval Almirante Padilla ENAP Cartagena, Colombia


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How to Cite

Contreras Montes, J. A., & Muñoz Aldana, D. J. (2011). Algorithm for generating interpretable fuzzy controllers: an application to a pressure process. ITECKNE, 8(2), 177–182.



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