Especificación de requisitos de desempeño en el diagrama de clases
Class diagram, Metamodel, Non-functional requirements, UMLAbstract
Specification of non-functional requirements in software systems represents a challenge to academic researchers interested in this subject. The increasing demand for catalogued attributes, among which are the nonfunctional requirements (performance, security, scalability and others) has given rise to different approaches to building the software for the system required by the customer. This work deals with the specification of non-functional requirements of timing, using a unified modeling language for building the software plans. The specification is made only on UML class diagrams, and it is supported on existing methods at the early stages of development, in order to elicit requirements for consistency of the diagrams, and reaching a new class diagram. This new class diagram relates elements of the model and metamodel, to achieve a greater expressiveness and enabling decisions for implementation, which formerly were not possible at this stage of development. To achieve this, it was necessary to perform a variant on the semantics of the class diagram. This allowed relating metaclasses that were not related before. A new symbology is also introduced, in order to express the new metarelation that is present in the class diagram.
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