Diseño de un prototipo de máquina para hipotermia cerebral en neonatos
Hypoxic isquemic encephalopathy, Hypothermia, Heat transferAbstract
The Mechatronics Engineering Faculty at Universidad Santo Tomas in Bucaramanga, initiated in 2005 the process of formulation and development of a work whose idea was conceived by the Clinica Materno Infantil San Luis in Bucaramanga, about building an equipment to apply cerebral hypothermia in neonates, in order to prevent complications due to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), since this if one of the leading causes of neurological diseases in neonates. This paper describes the design and building of the initial prototype of a machine with a cooling system based on solid state Peltier cells. This machine produces hypothermia on the brain in neonates. The development of a second prototype based on the improvements made to the first in various aspects of its structure is also described. The second prototype is a machine that applies a proper and stable cooling temperature on the brain of neonates, during the time specified by the medical specialists
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