Literary Review Of Economic Environmental Dispatch Considering Bibliometric Analysis


  • Fausto Stalin Ruiz Tipán Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Alex David Valenzuela Santillán Universidad Politécnica Salesiana



Environmental Economic Dispatch, Multiobjective Optimization, VOSviewer, Bibliometric Analysis


Abstract: This document performs a bibliometric analysis of the topic "Environmental Economic Dispatch" to know the evolution and characteristics of its scientific production. A total of 736 documents published between 2000 and 2020 are analyzed and from these the 15 most relevant ones are extracted, these will be analyzed in detail taking into consideration indicators such as the year of publication, the subject, indexing journal, number of citations, the topic addressed and the proposed methodology. All the information was obtained from the Web of Science (WOS) database, which was used due to its high impact factor. In the methodology, the bibliometric analysis was performed in the Vosviewer software, the type of analysis used is that of citation and the units of analysis used are those of documents, sources, authors, organizations, and countries. The units of analysis have metrics and tables that help the reader to compile the information shown in a better way, taking into consideration the number of citations and the number of documents. In the literature review, the 15 most relevant documents obtained in the bibliometric analysis are analyzed in depth, and a table is attached as a summary of the subject matter and methodology proposed by these documents so that the reader will be able to identify each of them more quickly. The results highlight the most complete document for the proposed topics and the most cited document. This article will be a useful guide for researchers.


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Author Biographies

Fausto Stalin Ruiz Tipán, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Ingeniero Eléctrico, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Alex David Valenzuela Santillán, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

MSc. Ingeniería de distribución de Energía, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana


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How to Cite

Ruiz Tipán, F. S., & Valenzuela Santillán, A. D. (2022). Literary Review Of Economic Environmental Dispatch Considering Bibliometric Analysis. ITECKNE, 19(1), 26–38.



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