Long-Term Voltage Stability Using Load Models In Electric Power Systems
voltage stability, load models, PV curve, continuation power flowAbstract
Voltage stability is a fundamental issue in the study and analysis of all power systems,
which is why in this paper this problem is addressed using to Continuation Power Flows method (CPF,
for its acronym in English), which through the reformulation of specified powers we proceed to include
equations that represent the different load models. This is to make a comparison of the collapse
points obtained with and without load models, in this way to be able to analyze the differences that
occur between the two results. The tests of the study are carried out using a code made in Matlab,
which uses the data of the IEEE 9-bar system. This code allows obtaining the PV curve of the bar to
be analyzed, resulting in the collapse point obtained without including a load model and the collapse
point with a load model. Based on this, a comparison is made between a voltage stability analysis
using the conventional CPF method and another that includes load models. The results found to allow
us to establish that the effect of the load models on the voltage stability is less as the system enters
situations of instability.
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