Design of support device for rehabilitation therapies to distal level of the fingers of the hand
Positional splint, reverse engineering, rehabilitationAbstract
In rehabilitation therapies of hand’s fingers, are developed exercises that involve effort to improve the function of movement using strength and muscle endurance for this objective. This paper presents the design of support device for rehabilitation therapies to distal level of the fingers of the hand, which includes a positional splint, an electronic device and monitoring software through a graphical user interface. The positional splint allows to place the hand and fingers in physiological rest position, in order to obtain measurements of force; this splint was first manufactured using traditional methods and then through a process of reverse engineering was scanned for its subsequent reconstruction. The electronic prototype provided information about the force applied during the therapies carried out at distal fingers of the hand level. The developed device allows supporting the realization of physical therapies at distal fingers of the hand level, and decreases the variability among different specialists in the area.
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