A web application for location and vehicle routing in disaster
Web aplication, Location, Humanitarian Logistics, Routing of vehicles.Abstract
The natural disasters are events that exceed the capacity of covering of a population and generate large losses, both economic and humans, with externalities in many cases not quantified in their entirety. The resources needed to supply the distribution centers are provided both private and government must allocate providers, by the disaster damage. Then, the distribution is performed from the depots, to the different customers or distribution centers. It presents a web application that assigns the super depots, and then establishes the routing that the vehicles must follow to cover the distribution centers, considering different probabilities of populations to be covered. The application is a parametric framework to any geographical area and scenarios, given the existing integration with applications such as Google Maps ®. Computational times are reasonable, and at the software architecture level the product is scalable and extensible. In addition, it complies with a set of good software quality practices present in ISO9126.Downloads
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