• Clovis Ultramari Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
  • Beatriz Hummell Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
Palabras clave: Social Vulnerability, Natural Hazards, Vulnerability Index, City of Curitiba, Vulnerabilidad social, Desastres naturales, Índice de vulnerabilidad, Curitiba


This is a theoretical discussion on social vulnerability and on the construction of vulnerability indexes. Empirical exercise takes place in the city of Curitiba, Southern Brazil. Article is based on both conceptual approaches revealing complexity of such topic as well as on empirical demands to establish priorities in terms of risk reduction action facing natural adverse events and distribution of resources in post-disaster recovery. Urban context is that of Brazilian cities, revealing recurrent inequalities in the way inhabitants build, use, and transform urban compartments. Research presented here can be contextualized in a scenario where adverse phenomena should deeply influence the elaboration of urban public policies. Its main target is to contribute to the identification of parameters to channel public resources in preparedness actions facing adverse situations.

Esta es una discusión teórica sobre la vulnerabilidad social y la construcción de los índices de vulnerabilidad. El ejercicio empírico se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Curitiba, sur de Brasil. El artículo se basa en dos enfoques conceptuales que revelan la complejidad de este tema, así como de las necesidades básicas para la fijación de prioridades, en términos de acción, la reducción del riesgo de eventos naturales adversos y la distribución de los recursos en la recuperación post-desastre. El contexto urbano es el de las ciudades brasileñas, que destaca las desigualdades en la forma en que los habitantes construyen, utilizan y transforman los sectores urbanos. La investigación que aquí se presenta puede ser contextualizada en un escenario en el que las circunstancias adversas deberían afectar profundamente el desarrollo de políticas públicas urbanas. Su objetivo principal es contribuir a la identificación de parámetros para la canalización de recursos públicos en la preparación para hacer frente a situaciones adversas.

Biografía del autor

Clovis Ultramari, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
Clovis Ultramari is a professor at the Pontifical University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil. His main areas of interest and research are land use legislation, natural accidents and their impacts on urban land
use, assessment of large urban projects, and conceptual aspects of the city. He has written many articles and books on these subjects, mostly in Portuguese. He also serves as an advisor on dissertations and theses concerning his areas of expertise. His current research project is focused
on the role of international aid agencies in disaster recovery action.
Beatriz Hummell, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
Beatriz Hummell is a doctoral candidate in Urban Management at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil. Her main research
interests are in disaster diplomacy and humanitarianism, social vulnerability to natural hazards and urban regeneration in slums. Was a visiting scholar at the University of South Carolina and
participated in the Munich Re Foundation and UNU-EHS (United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security) 2012 Summer
Academy (From Social Vulnerability to Resilience: Measuring Progress toward Disaster Risk Reduction). Currently develops research for her doctoral
dissertation entitled “Geographies of Solidarity: inequities in priority definition for aid addressing after natural disasters”.


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Cómo citar
Ultramari, C., & Hummell, B. (2013). FLOODINGS AND SOCIAL VULNERABILITY: THEIR SPACIAL EQUIVALENCE IN THE CITY OF CURITIBA, BRAZIL. Revista M, 10(1), 64-81. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15332/rev.m.v10i1.960