ITECKNE 2023-12-18T12:27:17-05:00 Coordinación editorial Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><em>ITECKNE</em>&nbsp;is a journal published by the Engineering Division at Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga. Created in 2002,&nbsp;<em>ITECKNE</em>&nbsp;mainly publishes original scientific research and technological innovation articles...</p> Condition estimation at the termogas Machala power plant using machine learning 2023-12-13T10:48:08-05:00 Néstor Xavier Cruz-Carrillo Carlos Iván Quinatoa-Caiza Jefferson Alberto Porras- Reyes Hendry Mauricio Jiménez-Bautista Nicolyn Damari Rivera-Hidalgo <p>In the present titling work, the state of the Machala Termogas Power Plant was analyzed, the problem of the project is to guarantee great challenges to achieve continuity and guarantee the supply of electrical energy efficiently and use of natural resources and minimizing environmental impact, The Machala thermogas plant works with a combined cycle, it has 8 generating units that correspond to Machala I and Machala II and the total power is 187 MW. Based on the programming in Python language using the Pyomo library for the optimization process, this allowed to analyze the variables of costs of fuel, power and electrical energy of the plant, the objective function corresponds to minimizing the costs of electrical energy generation and the restrictions are associated with start-up, stop and power balance costs. On the other hand, to solve the problem, the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) is used, because the type of programming proposed is mixed linear integer; Through the analysis carried out, it was possible to observe which thermal generators can operate at the same time, form maintenance plans for the output of generators on a scheduled basis and what is the total energy produced.</p> 2023-10-23T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Coconut shell ash as a substitute for cement: effect of calcination temperature 2023-12-18T12:27:17-05:00 Ceiler Fabian Cossio-Mena Eliana Williams-Urango Dissy Giselle Palacios-Mosquera Oscar Felipe Arbelaez-Perez <p>The disposal of coconut shell is a waste problem in countries where coconut production is in abundance. When coconut shell is calcinated produces ashes, which are a potential binder material to concrete preparation. In this work, coconut shell was calcinated at 400, 500 and 600 °C for 3 h. The ashes produced were employed as cement substitute. The characteristics of ashes were evaluated by surface area and XRD. The effect of replacing ashes as cement substitute was evaluated by workability and mechanical strength test. Experimental results demonstrated that 600 °C is the most suitable burning temperature for CSA calcination with amorphous SiO<sub>2</sub> and low surface area. Results showed that, in contrast to control concrete, that burning temperature decrease concrete workability of concrete. Further, the increasing of burning temperature of coconut shell improves the mechanical strength. The compressive strength of mixture incorporating the ashes of coconut shell burned at 600 °C was higher than the others. Additionally, this temperature was found convincing considering cost to prepare the ashes.</p> 2023-07-11T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Plastic versus Glass: a view of the life cycle of the two controversial materials 2023-12-13T10:41:39-05:00 Sebastián Naranjo Silva <p>Since the last few years, the practices of reuse and repair products to extend their useful life and reduce waste generation gained interaction. As well as strongly promoting recycling, maximizing the materials industrialization to convert waste into new resources. Therefore, two controversial materials are currently discussed (Glass and Plastic). In 2020, 385 million tons of Plastic were produced globally, compared to 143 million tons of Glass. In 2020, the per capita consumption of Glass was 32 kg yearly, compared to Plastic at 105 kg yearly. However, the manuscript aims to discuss the use of Plastic versus Glass to learn about each material, its benefits, and disadvantages to make a perspective criticism. The methodology is investigative collecting from investigation articles statistics from 2017 to 2022. The results show that the choice between Glass or Plastic depends on very particular factors, such as the specific application in which it is required and the manufacturer's or end user's preferences.</p> <p>Moreover, it is important to highlight that, compared to Plastics, Glass has fewer negative impacts on climate change since it has a lower carbon footprint. However, a comprehensive approach is required to minimize the Glass effects on climate change due to its high energy consumption, including efficient production practices. It is recommended that each country define market statistics for the recovery, recycling, and industrialization of Glass, Plastic, and other items such as cardboard, paper, and aluminum cans to promote waste recovery and prevent surrounding pollution globally.</p> 2023-07-11T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##