Gesture KINECT capture system for virtual surgical robots manipulation

  • Juan Diego Hurtado-Chaves Ing. en Automática Industrial. Universidad del Cauca. Popayán
  • Alex Aldemar Nástar-Guacales Ing. en Automática Industrial. Universidad del Cauca. Popayán
  • Oscar Andrés Vivas-Albán Ph. D. en Robótica, Universidad del Cauca. Popayán
Keywords: Kinect device, natural interfaces, surgical robots, surgical simulator


This article  presents  a  gesture  capture  system  for manipulating two virtual surgical robots. Gesture capture uses Kinect  device  to  detect  the  movement  of  the  user ́s  hand  to move  the  surgical  robots,  and  his  right  knee  to  change  the needed  surgical  tools.  This  natural interface  capture  system is  proved  on  a  surgical  simulator  for  laparoscopic,  that  has  a holder endoscopic robot manipulated by a joystick, and two surgical  robots  that  are  guided  by  the  Kinect  device.  Kinematics model is used to transform Kinect captured signals to articular movements for the robots. System is tested on a robotic cholecystectomy, allowing a more natural manipulation to the user.


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How to Cite
Hurtado-Chaves, J., Nástar-Guacales, A., & Vivas-Albán, O. (2015). Gesture KINECT capture system for virtual surgical robots manipulation. ITECKNE, 12(1), 17-24.
Research and Innovation Articles