The efficiency of the new photosensitive material used in the manufacture of solar panels

  • Oriana Noguera-Salas Universidad Piloto de Colombia
  • Ricardo Alfonso Pinto-García Universidad de La Sabana
  • Jhon Edisson Villarreal-Padilla Universidad Piloto de Colombia
Keywords: Efficiency, photosensitive materials, solar panels, telecommunications


The alternative energies begin to have prevalence to help in the mitigation of the global warming and between them the solar power for being an inexhaustible source, it is the one that more has put on attention for massif in view of his excellent results in cost and facility of installation and maintenance. Nevertheless, the results as for efficiency as measure of the electric power produced by a quantity of solar incidental radiation, are low. In this article, there are evaluated and analyze the basic characteristics of the new photosensitive materials that begin to be in use in order to raise the efficiency of the solar panels used in homes and in facilities of telecommunications.
The results that are obtained lead to establishing a comparison between the materials that nowadays are in use and the new materials that the industry begins to use, in order that from the point of view of the engineering they are considered to be some aspects that are relevant but that have not been demonstrated sufficiently.


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Author Biographies

Oriana Noguera-Salas, Universidad Piloto de Colombia
Ingeniera de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogotá
Ricardo Alfonso Pinto-García, Universidad de La Sabana
M.Sc. en Informática Educativa, Universidad de La Sabana, Bogotá
Jhon Edisson Villarreal-Padilla, Universidad Piloto de Colombia
M.Sc. en Ingeniería de la Información y las Comunicaciones, Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogotá


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How to Cite
Noguera-Salas, O., Pinto-García, R., & Villarreal-Padilla, J. (1). The efficiency of the new photosensitive material used in the manufacture of solar panels. ITECKNE, 15(1), 7-16.
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