Measurement of pressure losses using computer vision

  • Jorge Andrés Cerquera-Yacumal Ingeniero en Automática Industrial Universidad del Cauca
  • John Edwin Córdoba-Papamija Ingeniero en Automática Industrial Universidad del Cauca
  • Judy Cristina Realpe-Chamorro M. Sc. Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones Universidad del Cauca
  • Juan Fernando Flórez-Marulanda M. Sc. Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones Universidad del Cauca
Keywords: Codebook, computer vision, background subtraction, Instrumentation and measurement, Piezometer


In a hydraulic circuit, the fluid pressure loss when passing through different sections or accessories, and  it  can  be  inspected  by  observing  the  fluid  level  in piezometers. This paper presents a development in artificial vision, which allows on-line measurement of pressure levels recorded in sixteen piezometric columns. The technique of background subtraction based in algorithm on Codebook, combined with  morphological  filtering and  junction  blobs,  are  used  to  obtain  piezometrics  levels.  The processing algorithm is designed in Open CV and supported on Linux. Coefficients of variation of less than 0.1% and maximum error of 1.4% were obtained.


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How to Cite
Cerquera-Yacumal, J., Córdoba-Papamija, J., Realpe-Chamorro, J., & Flórez-Marulanda, J. (2016). Measurement of pressure losses using computer vision. ITECKNE, 13(1), 64-73.
Research and Innovation Articles